Author Archives: prasor
Do We Have the Right to Believe Whatever We Want?
A popular idea today is that we have the “right” to believe whatever we want or choose as we wish when it comes to religious and moral beliefs. This concept probably comes from a sense of self-autonomy and the American … Continue reading
Christianity May Be Bigger Than You Think
Like with most Midwesterners, my world as a young lad was small. I grew up in a small town where you could run into every school teacher at the movies or the bowling alley. It’s what kept us children in our place and sometimes thinking … Continue reading
Moral Totalitarianism: The Irony of Moral Imperatives in a Secular Culture
This is a guest post written by Rich Hoyer, director of The Reveal Conference There is an irony afoot that many people don’t recognize. It is the incongruence of the moral “truths” that our secular society is foisting upon the … Continue reading
The Irrationality and Evil of Moral Relativism
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” ~Isaiah 5:20~ If teaching in higher education for the past thirteen years has taught me anything, it … Continue reading
Fake News and Alternative Facts: What’s the Truth?
By now most people have become familiar with the idea of “fake news” and “alternative facts.” “Fake news” are stories contrived by news outlets, either legitimate or illegitimate, that are not real, i.e., make-believe. Akin to fake news, “alternative facts” … Continue reading