Category Archives: Theology
Doing Theology: Truth and Knowledge
A student of mine once commented, “We don’t know which religion is true, so we might as well just believe in what we want and be happy!” This statement captures well a very popular idea today. It basically says that … Continue reading
Christianity May Be Bigger Than You Think
Like with most Midwesterners, my world as a young lad was small. I grew up in a small town where you could run into every school teacher at the movies or the bowling alley. It’s what kept us children in our place and sometimes thinking … Continue reading
Jack Cottrell: In A League of His Own
With the retirement of Professor Jack Cottrell in the Spring of 2016, students will no longer be privileged to sit under one of the best theologians of our time. But Cottrell’s teaching will continue for generations. There are some theologians in life … Continue reading
Reflecting on “Restoration”: Barton W. Stone
I have been a part of the Restoration Movement (RM, hereafter) for most of my life. As far back as I can remember, my family attended a Christian Church or Church of Christ. Although I never attended many (if any) … Continue reading
Why Christians Ought to Embrace “Science” and Give Up “Faith”
It is common to hear that science and faith are opposed to one another: science is about finding “facts” and giving “proof,” while faith is about “believing” without evidence. It is like having a brick wall that separates the two … Continue reading