Category Archives: Science & Faith

Is the World One Big Machine?

Do Christians often think of the universe more in terms of materialism or deism, as if it is one big machine, rather than in terms of divine working? C.S. Lewis wrote in his essay “The Laws of Nature”: The smallest … Continue reading

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Something Made Our World Livable. It Was God.

In a previous post (found HERE), I discussed the argument for God’s existence based upon the idea that something brought the universe into existence. Another argument that shows God exists is the fact that this world has just the right … Continue reading

Posted in Apologetics, Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Science & Faith, Uncategorized, Worldview | 1 Comment

Something Brought the Universe Into Existence. It Was God.

There are numerous philosophical arguments that provide reasonable explanations for believing in the existence of God. One of the more popular and contemporary arguments is the kalam cosmological argument. Simply stated, it says that everything that begins to exist has … Continue reading

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Why Christians Ought to Embrace “Science” and Give Up “Faith”

It is common to hear that science and faith are opposed to one another: science is about finding “facts” and giving “proof,” while faith is about “believing” without evidence. It is like having a brick wall that separates the two … Continue reading

Posted in Apologetics, Ministry, Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Science & Faith, Theology, Worldview | 1 Comment

When Scientific Naturalism Begins to Crumble: Thomas Nagel’s Mind and Cosmos

During the 1990s, a movement known as Intelligent Design (ID) budded wings and began to fly. ID arose primarily out of concern that Darwinism could not account for the existence of everything in nature, especially biological organisms. ID theorists essentially … Continue reading

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